Thursday 19 September 2013

Shock Horror. I am giving up hair self-care!

After months of deliberation I have decided that I will be handing over the styling reins to a salon from now on. I have realised that with everything going on in my life at the moment I am unable to dedicate enough time to what are 4 hour wash day routines. With an 8 month old who is ever more aware of mummy being occupied with her hair and the ever decreasing time till I return to work, I have chosen to have a salon appointment once every 4-6 weeks to help with my hair. The plans are as follows:
Saturday: wash, dry and style (twists, flat twists, or cornrows)
Spray with water everyday
Midweek: moisturise with a leave in or moisturiser
Keep the style in for 3 weeks
Repeat and take breaks from protective styling every 2 months

We are still working on the hair routine for my daughter who I will refer to as LilMoo.